Tuesday, March 3, 2009

The internet has a global reach


Whether you already have a website or are about to start building your online presence with a new website, before you do anything else you should be speaking with an SEO expert or SEO company.

Why is SEO (Search Engine Optimisation) and Internet Marketing important if you have a website and what does it all mean?

SEO means Search Engine Optimisation and it is the 'process' of gaining front page rankings for the most searched keywords relating to your business or industry sector.

Artemis Internet Marketing have offices in the UK and Spain and are experts in Search Engine Optimisation and Internet Marketing.

Some of our clients are in some of the most competitive online industries such as overseas real estate, and we are helping them gain front page positions in search engines like Google with our specialist real estate SEO and marketing services packages.

If you are looking for SEO Spain, SEO UK, SEO Portugal, SEO France, SEO Sweden, SEO Ireland, SEO Morocco, SEO USA, SEO elsewhere in Europe and in any other location then you should be talking to Artemis.

Conversions - It's about more than just where you appear

Call them what you like, conversions, leads or enquiries but generating higher volumes of traffic for your website is just one part of the overall picture. Once they arrive at your website the visitor ideally needs to 'convert' to a lead.

If you already receive visitors to your website we will review your current conversion rate with a view to increasing it. It is far quicker and more effective to increase a conversion rate from say 2% to 4% than doubling your traffic to achieve the same.

You would be amazed at some of the things some companies don't consider when trying to capture contact details from visitors to their website. Some very simple implementations as part of our SEO here in Spain have turned a site around from receiving a handful of client registrations a month to over 10 a day. This is an increase of over 300% already and we expect this to go up as we continue our Internet Marketing.

What should you do now to learn more about SEO and how it could benefit your website and conversion rates?

Just enter your details above and we will take a look at your website and let you know how it currently performs from an SEO perspective.

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